We all sweat. Some more, some less. Sweating is natural. This is one way our body is staying cool when it is hot; it is also a way our body is ridding toxins, so it’s really beneficial. While sweating is natural and essential, it is also not as pleasant - both wet spots on clothing and odor are not as attractive. There are many ways to eliminate the sweating naturally; wearing a deodorant is one of these. If you do choose to wear deodorant, make sure it is all-natural, or better - homemade - like I have said before - the only way to truly know what goes into your body product is to make it yourself!

Some of the reasons why make and use homemade deodorant, are perfectly outlined in the article (1) are are summed by the author: deodorants are known to include several ingredients that are not so good for you. Like these:
• Aluminum – a metal which has been linked to breast cancer in women and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease • Parabens – synthetic preservative found in many personal care products. The largest concern is that these chemicals will disrupt our delicate hormonal balance. Paraben exposure has also been linked to birth defects and organ toxicity. • Propylene glycol – This is a petroleum based material. In large quantities, studies have shown that this stuff can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver, and heart. • Phthalates – Another class of chemicals that have been linked to a variety of health issues including birth defects. • Triclsoan – This chemical is actually classified as a pesticide by the FDA and a probable carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency. Do you really want to put this stuff on your body? I didn’t think so.
I urge you to try making your own deodorant (message me if you'd like to attend a class with me) - it is very simple and you will feel better knowing that you aren't putting anything on your skin that you can’t eat (not that you would want to eat shea butter!) If you do try it, let me know the outcome!
All-Natural {BASIC} Deodorant:
5 T BUTTER (Beef Tallow, Shea Butter*, Coconut Oil*) - use unrefined and organic
1 T Beeswax or Soy Wax*- use unfiltered, organic
2 T Arrowroot Powder - use organic
Essential Oils (optional) - 15 drops
*Vegan ingredients
Source: http://www.thankyourbody.com/homemade-deodorant/